Water purification information

Can the water purified by the water purifier be drunk directly?

Views : 67499
Update time : 2021-08-26 11:42:09
In daily life, we see all kinds of advertisements, which are the beautiful side of the product, but behind the promotion, there are many hidden aspects that are not known. There are many rumors in the publicity of water purifiers, and many people do not understand them, and they are easy to be fooled. Let’s understand some of these rumors.
01 Can the water purified by the water purifier be drunk directly?
Have you installed a water purifier in your home? After installing the water purifier, is it possible to drink directly? Many people have this idea, thinking that if a water purifier is installed, the filtered tap water can of course be drunk directly. However, water purifiers need to be drunk directly. Only reverse osmosis water purifiers can have this effect. Other types of water purifiers, such as ultrafiltration water purifiers, central water purifiers and front water purifiers, can't do it. So don't install the water purifier above, you can drink directly. We don't understand the effect of water purification and the water purifier for direct drinking, so it is easy to use it wrong, and we don't know it!
02 The health effect of water in the water purifier
In some beauty and health markets, water purifiers can still occupy a place, because it is promoted that tap water is polluted. Tap water filtered by water purifiers can maintain health and cure chronic diseases. Some people are convinced that, after all, tap water does have some pollution. , The water purifier can help filter, but also health preservation, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone!

However, in fact, the tap water filtered by the water purifier is still tap water. There is no magical effect. It is just an exaggerated effect, which makes people feel as if it is psychologically effective. In fact, it does not have health and beauty effects. Don't be fooled by some advertisements. If you hint to yourself in your heart, it's easy to believe such rumors!
03 Water purifier can retain beneficial minerals
In some publicity, the filtering effect of reverse osmosis water purifiers is very good, even viruses and bacteria can be filtered out, so some people worry that the filtering is too clean. We drink it for a long time and lack beneficial minerals. Because of various publicity reports, some people believe that too clean water is not good. At this time, the water purifier launched a water purifier that retains beneficial minerals, and the ultrafiltration water purifier was labeled as such.
In fact, the ultrafiltration water purifier does not take the initiative to retain beneficial minerals, because the filtration accuracy is not high, and these beneficial minerals cannot be intercepted, so the water will be retained. Water purifiers do not actively identify beneficial and harmful substances. Therefore, in the face of high pollution in the water, although the ultrafiltration water purifier retains beneficial minerals, it also retains harmful substances.
Therefore, in areas with serious tap water pollution, ultrafiltration water purifiers cannot meet our water purification needs, and reverse osmosis water purifiers are still needed to help!
04 The water purification technology of the water purifier is an international technology
The competition of water purifiers is fierce. To improve the core competitiveness of products, on the one hand, it is also necessary to attract public attention and promote sales. In the face of market competition, merchants use their own strength to show their magical powers. However, in order to enhance the strength of their products, some merchants exaggerate their product technology, claiming that their product technology introduces international advanced technology, and their product quality is unique.
In fact, the water filtration and water purification technology of the water purifier is similar. The difference lies in the product material and individual patented technology, which has little to do with foreign technology. Therefore, don't see the introduction of foreign technology, just believe in such propaganda. If a product really has a unique patented technology, it has its own patent number, this can be verified. If it is just an oral promotion of a patented technology without a patent number, there is no need to believe that if there is much moisture in the advertisement, we It should be clear!
Therefore, we should not be fooled by some false rumors and advertisements. We must learn to understand the truth, distinguish between true and false, and consume rationally, so that we will not be so easily deceived!
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